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Category: Deep Learning


An Introduction to Transfer Learning

Lorien Pratt published the first known paper on transfer learning in 1993. Since then, there has been a lot of research in this space. With time, it has made deep learning more straightforward. It’s importance and value escalated so much that in 2016,…

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Network Fault Detection Using Machine Learning

Communication Service providers (CSPs) today are looking at applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the telecom industry to ensure a seamless service and user experience for their clients. Also, as 5G services enter the telecom sector, the CSPs would face renewed…

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Image Classification: An Overview

Thanks to IoT and AI becoming ubiquitous technologies, we now have more user and trend data than ever. Varying in form, data could be text, image, speech, or a mix of these. Images now constitute a part of user data more prominently than ever.

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CNN Architectures Over a Timeline (1998-2019)

Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are among the more popular neural network frameworks that are used in complex applications like deep learning models for computer vision and image recognition. Over the years, CNNs have undergone a considerable amount of rework and advancement….

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The case for video analytics in businesses

Video analytics helps to digitally analyze video inputs. It transforms these inputs into intelligent data that is used for making decisions. This is done by using mathematical algorithms that monitor, analyze, and manage a large number of videos. On an advanced level,…

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What is Deep Learning and How it can Help Your Business

Deep learning is receiving a lot of attention recently, and for all the right reasons. This technology is delivering results that were not possible to achieve before. What is Deep Learning? In deep learning, a computer program learns to identify, differentiate,…

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Daily Life

Have you ever used Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in your daily life? Well, you have many AI empowered technologies around that you simply use without even realizing that AI is behind them. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are now an…

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Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning

A Simple Analysis Through Anomalies So when it comes down to being able to more effectively detect outliers in your data, engage algorithms, further advances in Python, and so much else, anomaly detection holds the key. And it’s all a part…

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The Most Promising Deep Learning Applications

Into Deep Learning and AI Deep Learning, as it can now engage our modern, interconnected, 24/7 global online world, is a true blessing. It can make just about every single aspect of our lives far greater, to the full extent, relatively…

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